What Color Tape Should I Choose?

Group of printed tape

Different colors trigger different responses in our brains. That’s what the study of color psychology is all about, the study of how different hues affect our emotions.

And that’s an important consideration when choosing your company logo and deciding what colors to pick when designing printed packing tape.

Read on to learn more about what colors are offered and which ones are popular

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What Type of Tape Should I Use?

Printed polypropylene-tape

Most of us know that different tapes have different jobs. You wouldn’t use Scotch tape for home repairs, nor would you break out a roll of duct tape to wrap presents.

The same is true in the world of custom packing tape. PVC tape, polypropylene tape, paper or flat back tape: they’re all highly-effective tapes, but there are some situations where one might work better than the others. Let’s take a closer look at the features of these different tapes.

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